Macarthur Precinct upgrade project

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Consultation has concluded

The Project, which is now complete, involved construction of a new play space, multi-sport court, BBQ and shade facilities, splash pad along with landscaping and road improvements to the precinct in the heart of Macarthur. 

It was officially opened by Senator Raff Cicconne, Senator for Victoria on June 15, 2024

The Project, which is now complete, involved construction of a new play space, multi-sport court, BBQ and shade facilities, splash pad along with landscaping and road improvements to the precinct in the heart of Macarthur. 

It was officially opened by Senator Raff Cicconne, Senator for Victoria on June 15, 2024

Consultation has concluded
  • Project complete!

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    A recreation precinct in Macarthur, which was redeveloped with extensive community consultation, is now complete thanks to the investment from all levels of government.

    Officially opened today by Federal Labor Senator Raff Ciccone, alongside State Member for Western Victoria, Jacinta Ermacora, and Moyne Shire Mayor, Ian Smith, the Macarthur Precinct redevelopment will boost community engagement and revitalise the centre of town.

    It was supported by $480,000 from the Australian Government, $500,000 from Emergency Recovery Victoria under the Federal-State Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements (DRFA) and a further $300,000 from the Victorian Government through Sport and Recreation Victoria, as well as $192,000 from Moyne Shire Council and $50,000 from community contributions.

    The precinct is home to the Macarthur Bowls Club and community outdoor pool, as well as open space, gardens and various other amenities.

    Stage 1 works were fully funded by the Australian Government and included new footpaths, kerb and parking improvements, drainage improvements and refurbishment of existing shade structures.

    Stage 2 works delivered a new play space, multi-sport court, barbeque and shade facilities, splash pad along with landscaping and road and access improvements to the precinct.

    Moyne Shire was one of the 18 eligible LGAs that could access DRFA funding as part of ongoing recovery from the 2019-20 Victorian Bushfires.

    Quotes attributable to Minister for Regional Development, Local Government and Territories, the Hon Kristy McBain MP:

    “It’s fantastic to see work on the Macarthur Precinct complete, the new facilities will revitalise the town centre and provide a space for locals to better connect.

    “Seeing this complete is a great result for the community, as they were front and centre of the design process.

    “This just one of many projects in which we’re partnering with Moyne Shire Council as part of over $14.69 million in LRCI funding from the Australian Government.”

    Quotes attributable to Federal Labor Senator for Victoria, Raff Ciccone:

    “The Macarthur Precinct upgrade is another great project for our state thanks to funding from the Australian Government’s Local Roads and Community Infrastructure Program.

    “Whether it’s upgrading a sport, recreation or other community infrastructure project, increased funding from the Federal Government enables councils to progress projects that have a lasting impact in their communities.

    “The Albanese Government is pleased to work with our Victorian counterparts and local government colleagues to achieve such an important project for the community.”

    Quotes attributable to Victorian Minister for Emergency Services, Jaclyn Symes:

    “These facilities will be invaluable to the local community, allowing Macarthur residents to gather and spend time together, exercise and celebrate their resilient community.”

    Quotes attributable to State Member for Western Victoria, Jacinta Ermacora:

    “The Victorian Government is committed to investing in projects that boost recreation and unlock economic opportunities.

    “That’s why we were proud to inject $800,000 to reimagine this Precinct, which will increase community engagement and encourage more people to make the most of everything this beautiful part of Macarthur has to offer.”

    Quotes attributable to Mayor of Moyne Shire, Cr Ian Smith:

    “This project has revitalised the centre of Macarthur and created an amazing precinct for the community and visitors to enjoy.

    “We are proud to have worked with the Federal Government to deliver these improvements.”

  • Splash of colour added as works continue.

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    A splash of colour has been added to the new Macarthur playground this week, with contractors on site installing the rubber soft fall.

    The fine weather over recent weeks has allowed the project to move along at pace, with crews also building the new bbq shelter, completing installation of play equipment, landscaping and now working on the preparation of the multi-court surface and finishing off other elements of the project.

    We have a very exciting opening party planned for next month – stay tuned for more details!

  • Former playground to be removed

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    Work is progressing well on the Macarthur Precinct upgrade project.

    The majority of equipment has been installed for the new playground, with contractors working over the next few weeks to install soft fall, landscaping and completion of the multi-court. The new site will remain closed until works in this area are finished.

    The existing playground is now closed of as we prepare for it’s removal. The old playground will be dismantled over the coming weeks and shipped by Rotary to a disadvantaged community overseas.

    Port Fairy Rotary are working on the playground removal so this is a great community effort to support another community with much loved play opportunities.

    Unfortunately, regulations and standards in Australia mean it cannot be re-installed anywhere in Australia.

    This stage of works (including the splashpad) is funded with a $500,000 grant from Emergency Recovery Victoria, a $300,000 grant from Sport and Recreation Victoria and $300,000 from Council and Community contributions.

  • New playground taking shape

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    Work has started on installing new play equipment on the new playground site at the Macarthur Precinct.

    As part of the precinct revitalisation works, the existing playground is set to be decommissioned and disassembled as part of the Rotary Overseas Recycled Playground Program. The removal of the old playground is scheduled to occur in April after the Easter school holidays.

    The equipment will be shipped overseas to be reused at a disadvantaged school.

    Unfortunately, the old playground no longer meets new Australian Standards for playground equipment, so Council cannot donate it or have it reinstalled locally.

    Donating overseas ensures it can continue to have a life allowing children in disadvantaged communities to have a wonderful play experience.

    The old playground will be fenced off to allow Rotary and contractors to safely remove the equipment and reinstate the site as part of the precinct upgrade.

    New playground installation works will be completed by Easter, weather permitting. Other site works playground softball, landscaping, fencing and multi-court completion will also continue during March and April.

    This unfortunately means there will be a short period where both playgrounds will be out of service - we are working as fast as possible to ensure this delay is minimal.

    Further updates will be provide via Engage Moyne and Council’s social media channels.

  • Update from the Mayor and Deputy Mayor

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  • Works continuing on precinct upgrade

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    Contractors have been on site to start works on drainage and sub-surface irrigation and will then commence on concrete footpaths within the play and multi-court areas.

    The splash pad has been operational since early January. Work on the play space including equipment installation is due to start in March.

    The Macarthur Men’s Shed have been busily working on street furniture refurbishment that will be reinstalled as part of project works.

  • Splashpad open!

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    The splashpad at Macarthur is now operational!

    The splashpad is accessible via the pool only at this stage, but when further works are completed in the reserve it will be available outside pool hours as well.

  • Construction is underway, get ready to play!

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    Construction has begun on the Macarthur Precinct Splash Pad and is on track to be completed in time for some summer fun!

    Works completed so far include;

    - Pipe work laid and concrete poured

    - Installation of first splash pad elements

    - Installation of boulders and garden

    Works scheduled for the next two weeks;

    - Electrical and plumbing works

    - Install remaining splash pad elements

    - Completion of pool and splash pad fencing

    - Site earthworks; drainage pipes, pits and sub-surface irrigation

  • Ground broken on stage two of Macarthur project

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    Work will begin on installing the long awaited splashpad water play area at Macathur’s Market Street Precinct this week.

    Mayor Cr Ian Smith and representatives from the Macarthur Pool Community Committee broke ground on the project this morning and contractors will be on site for the next week completing preliminary works with installation of elements expected to begin next month.

    Cr Smith said the work would take around six weeks to complete and would be ready for use early in the new year.

    “This is going to be a fantastic addition to Macarthur’s recreation precinct and I’m sure will be a popular place for locals to cool off over the summer months,” he said.

    “This summer the splashpad will only be accessible via the pool and open during its operating hours.

    “But once the remainder of work is finished in the precinct, it will be accessible from the new play space outside of the pool’s hours.”

    Cr Smith said once the splashpad was complete, work would begin on the new playground and multi court to complete the $1.6 million Market Street Revitalisation project.

    “The new playground is going to feature the usual playground staples like swings and slides, but will also have nature based elements as well as all abilities equipment,” he said.

    “It’s going to be fantastic and I think combined with the multicourt and splashpad will attract people from across the region.”

    Cr Smith said the old playground would be donated to Rotary’s overseas recycled playground program.

    “The current playground, while still safe, no longer meets the Australian Standards. That means it cannot be reinstalled anywhere else in Australia, because it would no longer be compliant,” he said

    “But Rotary International have a fantastic program which takes safe and serviceable equipment, refurbishes it and sends it overseas to developing nations,” he said.

    “The Macarthur playground will be then installed at school’s or in community on the African continent.

    “Council has worked with the Rotary Club of Port Fairy to make this possible and we are looking forward seeing what joy it brings to the children in its new home.”

    Cr Smith said the Macarthur Men’s Shed had also been involved in the project, refurbishing the reserve’s exiting park and picnic furniture to make it like new again.

    “The furniture was in good structural condition, but just needed a bit of TLC, so we asked the Men’s Shed if they’d be interested in taking on the project,” he said.

    “They have done a great job and the furniture is going to look great when it’s put back in place. I’m so pleased we have been able to support the Men’s Shed through this project.”

    “Works completed so far include parking and road upgrades, new internal paths, landscaping, refurbishment of the exiting gazebo, BBQ shelter and toilet building, site preparation, drainage and other site works.

    The $1.6 million revitalisation project was funded through a $480,000 allocation of Federal Government Local Roads and Community Infrastructure funding, $500,000 from Emergency Recovery Victoria, $300,000 from Sport and Recreation Victoria and $300,000 from Council and Community contributions.

    Mayor Cr Ian Smith, breaks ground on stage two of the Macarthur precinct project with members of the Pool Commitee and staff from Council's Project Managment Office.A design render of the splashpad