What is the status of the project?

    Council has been working on upgrade works for Campbell Street and James Street to improve drainage, parking and accessible and safe footpath connections for this multi-use and popular destination.  With the Skate and Play project now commencing detailed design works, an overall plan for the project area has been finalised.  This has included ensuring that works do not impact on the delivery of the Port Fairy Folk Festival and other site users. 

    These projects will be delivered under a range of funding sources including the Federal Government’s Local Roads and Community Infrastructure Program, the Federal Government’s Black Spot Program, the State Government’s Sport and Recreation Regional Community Infrastructure Fund and Moyne Shire Council for a total value of $3.9m – a major investment in much needed infrastructure and assets for residents and visitors.  

    What are the main elements of the works?

    The overall project will comprise of the following key works:

    • Underground stormwater drainage.
    • Kerb and Channel on the north and south side of Campbell Street.
    • Folk Festival entrance upgrades.
    • Angle car parking on the south side of Campbell Street and parallel car parking on the north side of Campbell Street.
    • 2.5m wide accessible footpath on the south side of Campbell Street between Sackville Street and James Street.
    • James Street and Campbell Street raised intersection upgrade with wombat crossings. 
    • Road rehabilitation works on Campbell Street between Sackville Street and Union Street.
    • Construction of new car park adjacent to Belfast Aquatics with connecting footpath to Belfast Aquatics.
    • Construction of the Play and Skate Precinct. 

    What is the schedule of works?




    Drainage works

    Mid /late Sept 2024

    Dec 2024

    Kerb and channel works

    Mid / late Sept 2024

    Dec 2024

    Skate and Play car park works (adjacent Belfast Aquatics) – Stage 1 to gravel surface

    Oct 2024

    Dec 2024

    James St drainage works

    Oct 2024

    Dec 2024

    Folk Festival entrance upgrade works

    Oct 2024 

    Dec 2024

    Campbell Street footpath works

    Nov 2024

    Dec 2024

    James St intersection works


    April 2025

    Road works and car parking works (Campbell Street to James Street)

    Nov 2024 

    Dec 2024

    Road works and car parking works (James Street to Union Street)

    Jan 2025

    Feb 2025

    Play and Skate construction works:

    - Site mobilisation

    - Demolition and civil works

    - Main construction works

    - Belfast car park completion

    - Final installations and landscaping

    - Site clean up and handover

    Jan 2025

    Jan 2025

    Feb 2025

    March 2025

    Mar 2025

    May 2025

    June 2025

    June 2025

    Feb 2025

    Feb 2025

    June 2025

    Apr 2025

    June 2025

    June 2025

    Council is now in a position to proceed with the project which will be managed in-house through the Project Management Office in partnership with teams from construction, civil works, buildings and assets, and engineering.  The design and construction of the Play and Skate Precinct will be managed under the design and build contract with Convic. 

    Why are these works being undertaken?

    There are a number of outcomes and improvements that this major investment will deliver for residents, visitors and the wider community.  These include:

    • Improvements to the drainage network to manage increased risks of flooding from extreme weather events and growing pressure on overall drainage network and capacity. 
    • Provide for accessible and DDA compliant footpaths and parking to meets mobility, access and equity needs for all community members including pedestrians and cyclists.
    • Provide dedicated disabled parking spaces in this popular destination for sport, recreation and events. 
    • Address vehicle and pedestrian safety at the Campbell Street / James Street intersection.
    • Provide greater protection from vehicles and parking impacts to the heritage listed Norfolk Island Pines through formalised parking and installation of permeable pavers.
    • Support the operation and delivery of the Port Fairy Folk Festival through improved entry treatments particularly for larger vehicles and volume of vehicles. 
    • Provide for much needed recreation, skate and play facilities for residents, the wider community and visitors
    • Respond to the growing use and visitation to the area and its many assets and facilities both current and future. 

    Any there any particular works considerations?

    • As always, works scheduling are subject to weather conditions and contractor / materials availability.
    • Works over the peak Christmas / summer holidays will be minimised with the aim to have Campbell and James Street drainage, footpath and road works completed before Folk Festival start up in late February.
    • Works hours will be between 7.30am to 5.30pm and if required 8.30am to 1pm on Saturdays.  No works will occur on Sundays or public holidays. 
    • Management of noise, dust and other works management are covered under the project’s Construction Environment Management Plan.

    What impacts will there be on traffic and pedestrians, and property access?

    To ensure the safety of public and workers, the safe movement of plant and equipment, and to protect construction works, areas of the main works site will be fenced off with periods of road closures and associated traffic management put in place as required.  

    Residents and users of Southcombe facilities including Belfast Aquatics, Basketball Stadium etc will continue to have local access to properties and facilities during periods of road closures. 

    Please note that when the Sackville Intersection is closed there will only be access through this intersection for buses and emergency vehicles.  The Sackville Intersection closure and the Campbell Street closure will occur at different times. 

    Traffic management conditions may vary depending on the works underway.  Diversion signage will in place when this is required.  All vehicles are required to obey traffic signage and directions. 

    Pedestrian access will also be controlled as part of traffic management works and directional signage.  Pedestrians and cyclists are required to follow directions and signage and must not under any circumstances, enter into the fenced work site either during or outside of works hours.  The works site is a restricted construction site.  

    It is anticipated that there will be minimal disruption to property / driveway access during the works.  If there is a requirement to restrict access, this will be discussed with property owners prior to these works commencing and management measures put in place.  Council will keep access disruptions to a minimum.

    What about car parking during the works?

    Car parking conditions will vary as the project is delivered.  Parking will continue to be available outside of designated construction and traffic management zones.  

    Council appreciates that parking may not always be ideal during works, but we will endeavour to accommodate specific requirements where possible. 

    Who do we contact if we need more project information or need to discuss anything during the works?

    General information

    Project Management Office – pmo@moyne.vic.gov.au(External link).
    PO Box 51, Port Fairy, Victoria, 3284.

    Moyne Shire Customer Service – 1300 65 65 64

    Project Manager – 0458 070 099 

    Project Superintendent and Site Managers:

    - Campbell Street and James Street works – 0458 373 629 / 0428 520 848

    - Play and Skate works - 0458 401 921

    After Hours

    After Hours Urgent Calls – 1300 65 65 64 / 0458 401 921 / 0458 373 629

    After Hours Emergency – 1300 65 65 64 / 000