Mortlake Market Square landscape design

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We're starting on a new landscape design for Mortlake's Market Square.

We will develop a concept plan which promotes safety, increases accessibility and maximises the overall function of the space and facilities within the Market Square precinct.

The aim is to improve safety at the square to minimise risk and enhance community enjoyment for residents and visitors alike.

We want to hear your thoughts! Please fill out the quick survey below so your suggestions can be heard.

The survey closes on Friday 7 March 2025.

Engage Moyne Privacy Collection Notice

We're starting on a new landscape design for Mortlake's Market Square.

We will develop a concept plan which promotes safety, increases accessibility and maximises the overall function of the space and facilities within the Market Square precinct.

The aim is to improve safety at the square to minimise risk and enhance community enjoyment for residents and visitors alike.

We want to hear your thoughts! Please fill out the quick survey below so your suggestions can be heard.

The survey closes on Friday 7 March 2025.

Engage Moyne Privacy Collection Notice

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Page last updated: 18 Feb 2025, 01:40 PM