What is the Koroit Township Renewal Project?

    The Project previously known as the Koroit Streetscape Plan has been in development since 2019 through a program of community engagement, planning and design work, with the Streetscape Plan adopted by Council in November 2021. The project covers the main central business and recreation areas of the town from Bega to the Commercial Hotel, High Street from Commercial Road to the Botanic Gardens, and the Village Green. 

    The project will upgrade footpaths, street furniture and other installations to improve the amenity, safety and useability for residents, businesses and visitors. Designated key priority project status by Council – the renewal project will support economic activity and residential growth in Koroit through the development of functional and attractive streetscapes in the town’s commercial centre.   

    What does the overall project look like?

    The project incorporates aesthetic and functional improvements to streetscapes in Commercial Road and High Street, Koroit.

    The project has been divided in into five key precincts to reflect the different functions these spaces perform. Project design features and elements have been matched to the visual and functional objectives of each precinct.

    What has already happened and what is planned?

    Stage 1 – completed 

    • Installation of new bluestone paving around the IGA building in Commercial Road and Station Street. 

    • In partnership with the State Government, Bega and Koroit Irish Festival, Council facilitated the construction of the new community stage facility at the Village Green. 

    Stage 2 – in progress 

    • Council approved allocation of $1 mil. for Stage 2 of the Koroit Township Renewal project, with delivery of works to be completed in the 2023-24 financial year. Works will commence in early 2024 and include: 

    • Sawn bluestone pedestrian pavements 

    • Retention of heritage bluestone kerbing 

    • No-change to on-street car parking 

    • Planting of advanced street trees and other landscaping 

    • Installation of new street furniture including benches, bollards, bins and bicycle racks. 

    • Council has allocated $300,000 from its drainage renewal program to upgrade drainage on the north side of Commercial Road from IGA to the Koroit-Woolsthorpe Rd intersection. Works are planned for late November 2023, subject to external approvals. 

    Future stages  

    • Council has lodged an expression of interest to the Federal Government’s Growing Region’s fund, committing a further $2 million Council budget to the project to be matched in dollar-for-dollar funding if successful.  

    • If the application is successful, it will deliver a $4 million project to complete footpaths in Commercial Road as well as road, footpath and drainage works in High Street. 

    • The outcome of this funding application is expected to be known later in 2023.  

    • If the funding application is not successful, Council would need to reassess project and budget options.

    What are the additional drainage works that are happening?

    • Design works for drainage improvement to Commercial Road have already been completed and part of the works were constructed in 2021 coinciding with Wannon Water water main upgrades. 

    • To complete the drainage upgrade, new stormwater pipes and pits are to be installed along the north side of Commercial Road, from 130 Commercial Road to 104 Commercial Road 

    • Works are expected to take around 3 weeks. Some interruptions to traffic will occur, with lane closures required to carry out the works safely. Traffic Controllers will be in place to manage vehicle and pedestrian movements, with pedestrian and property access to be maintained throughout the works. 


    What other project planning has been completed so far?

    Council has worked closely with the Koroit and District Progress Association (KDPA) on project planning and implementation of some key works. To date these works include: 

    • Landscape design for Commercial Road 

    • Road design and landscaping plan for High Street 

    • Designs and features of new street furniture and other installations 

    • Development of a funding advocacy document for presentations to State and Federal Government ministers and representatives. 

    The KDPA have also established a fundraising committee to support the attraction of community contributions and other grants towards the replacement of street furniture.  

    How is the project being funded?

    Council has confirmed the project as its leading priority project.  Given the scale of the project, Council is seeking government support funding through advocacy and the identification of government grant programs.  

    Council has invested and committed $1.62m to the project including over $500,000 spent on works to date.  In addition, the community through Daly’s IGA, Bega and Koroit Irish Festival have also spent approximately $100,000 on works.  

    A total of $1,000,000 has been set aside from Council‘s budget for works being carried out in the 2023-24 financial year, along with a further $300,000 for drainage improvement works to Commercial Road. 

    An additional $2,000,000 has been allocated by Council to be used to leverage for $2,000,000 in funding through the Federal Government’s Growing Regions Fund. The outcome of the funding will be known by early 2024. 

    How much disruption can be expected?

    As with any major project of this nature, there will be disruptions during works.  Council will be directly overseeing the project and contractors, and will have a rolling works program that will be communicated to property owners and business operators on a regular basis.  

    Disruption to access to properties and businesses will be kept to a minimum with footpath works completed in sections. This may mean that sections of the footpath may be closed for short periods with safe pedestrian travel provided.  

    Other disruptions may include noise, dust, additional works vehicles and plant on site, works barriers and site fencing, and when needed, a rolling program of car park closures to keep pedestrian and site workers safe. Any changes to traffic conditions will also be advised.  

    Council will maintain an open line of communication and project information through letterbox drops, project notifications in the Standard newspaper, social media, Council’s online project information page, site walks including property and business owner visits, and via Council’s Project Management Office located at the Blackwood Centre, Koroit Village Green.

    What about the shop and building verandas?

    As verandas are private property, the works do not include repair or upgrades to verandas. Where veranda posts are located within the paving / footpath, new stirrups will be installed as part of the works.

    Is the power going underground?

    Due to the significant cost to underground the power in Commercial Road, these works are not being undertaken as part of the renewal project.

    What about the heritage plaques?

    The heritage plaques that are located along Commercial Road will be retained and will be inset into the new footpath at their current location.